Cavendish Avenue, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9AE

01298 22278

Burbage Primary School


Reception to Year 6 admissions

The majority of our pupils start school in the Reception year (EYFS).  However, we also accept admissions to other year groups if we have capacity.  Our Pupil Admission Number (PAN) is 50, meaning we can accept up to 50 pupils per year group.  For enquiries about admissions to year groups other than Reception and to find out if places are available, please contact the school office for advice: 01298 22278

We operate a single point of admission - this means that we admit all children for Reception in September. The following levels of priority for admission are set out in the policy:

  • Children in care of the LA
  • Children with existing statements of Special Educational Needs;
  • Children who live in the school’s designated catchment area with siblings attending the school
  • Children who live in the school’s designated catchment area
  • Children who live outside the school’s designated catchment area with siblings attending  the school
  • All other applications

    The Local Education Authority is required to co-ordinate admissions to all Derbyshire Primary, Infant and Junior Schools.  Essentially the Authority acts as a ‘clearing house’ for admissions and enables parents to express a preference for one, two or three schools and to place those preferences in rank order.  Parents must make their application on a common application form, to be returned direct to the LA, and give reasons for their preferred schools.  Common application forms will be available from Derbyshire Primary, Infant and Junior schools and other public establishments They should be returned by the closing date for applications

    Acceptance of applications is dependent upon the number of children in the appropriate year group.  Our standard number for each year is 50.  However, this is reviewed from time to time. Appeals against refused applications may be made to Derbyshire County Council.

    By law, all infant classes must have 30 or fewer children.  This could mean that children may be in a mixed aged class in order to achieve this aim.  We try to keep junior classes as small as possible but we have to work within budgetary limitations.

    Apply for a Derbyshire school place 

    For further information about starting school please click here