Cavendish Avenue, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9AE

01298 22278

Burbage Primary School

We use ClassDojo to share information within our school community.

Parent and carers may login to ClassDojo here:  ClassDojo for Parents or by clicking on the image above.

Please see our ClassDojo terms of use below:

classdojo agreement.pdf

ClassDojo points

Children are awarded 'Dojo points' (House points) for any positive behaviours, especially those which reflect our 8 key words.  Parents and carers are able to view Dojo points from the App and are welcome and encouraged to award points at home on ClassDojo (visible to school staff) to reflect our 8 key words or other qualities they wish to promote.

Class story

Teachers will share content with parents and carers via the 'class story'.  This will help parents and carers to connect to their child's school experiences and engage with children about their learning.

School story

Whole school messages and information will be shared via ClassDojo to enable parents and carers to keep abreast of school related matters.


Teachers and parents / carers may message one another via ClassDojo - please note the guidance rules in the above document.