Cavendish Avenue, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9AE

01298 22278

Burbage Primary School

The School Day

Infants Juniors
Playground opens 8.40 8.40
Registration 8.50 8.50
Assembly 9.00 – 9.20 9.00 – 9.20
Morning session 1 9.20 – 10.25 9.20 – 10.45
Morning break 10.25 – 10.40 10.45 – 11.00
Morning session 2 10.40 – 12.05 11.00 – 12.05
Lunch 12.05 – 1.05 12.05 – 1.05
Afternoon session(s) 1.05 – 2.15
2.30 – 3.20
1.05 – 3.20
Juniors do not have an afternoon break.

 The school week complies with the DfE requirement of 32.5 hours for all pupils.

Adverse weather

It is our policy to try to keep school open whenever possible; however we are bound to experience some problems during severe winter weather and in extreme circumstances school will have to be closed. Parents will receive a text regarding school closure and an announcement will be made on High Peak Radio. We will now be able to keep you up to date with any relevant information on the notice board of the website; the address can be found above. It is also helpful if groups of parents establish communication networks to reduce the number of telephone calls to school. If you have not received a text and there has been heavy snow overnight you should telephone school, after 7.45 a.m., to check that staff have been able to gain access.

You will be advised of circumstances and the extent to which school can function. In certain circumstances you may be advised to delay sending your child to school. Please do not send your child(ren) to school unless you are sure it is open. Some of our staff travel some distance and may be experiencing more extreme conditions than Buxton! If we are open, but with fewer staff, you may be asked if your child could remain at home if you can arrange child care. This would be very much appreciated and would allow us to remain open for those parents who have work commitments. All absences relating to snow closure will be authorised and will not affect your child’s attendance record.

If there is snow during the school day it will be necessary to allow some staff to go home early to avoid being stranded at school. If you can see this situation developing we would be grateful if you could help by removing your child from school. Please do not feel that you need to telephone, just turn up and collect your child. If conditions continue to deteriorate it will be necessary to close school to avoid children or staff becoming stranded.  We would, in these circumstances, text or telephone the parents of any children still in the building, but please try to remove your children before this happens.

I do appreciate that such arrangements can be very inconvenient, but the health and safety of the children and staff at these times are of paramount importance.