Cavendish Avenue, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 9AE

01298 22278

Burbage Primary School

Sports Premium

We are very proud of our sporting achievements and the inclusive approach to sport that we have at Burbage.  We have successfully gained the School Games Gold award, the criteria for which may be found here: School Games Criteria.

'The PE and sport premium can help primary schools to make sustainable improvements to the quality of the PE, physical activity and sport offered through their core budgets' - Department for Education. 

In 2020, via successful funding bids, we built a new Multi-Use-Games-Area (MUGA) on our school site.  For details, please see our separate page by clicking here: Multi-Use-Games-Area.

For information relating to the Sports Premium funding (July 2024) at Burbage Primary School, please see below.

sports premium report 2024.pdf

For information relating to the Sports Premium funding (July 2023) at Burbage Primary School, please see below.

sports premium 2023.pdf